Accelerated Vehicle Obsolescence

Accelerated Vehicle Obsolescence

It is necessary to reduce the health and environmental footprint of the road sector. This must be achieved above all through sobriety measures and by switching to other, less polluting means of transport. But the automobile sector is undergoing significant changes, as...
Repair bonus

Repair bonus

The repair bonus is remarkable and is a pioneering initiative in France, a colossal effort to financially support every household in repairing their goods. It’s been pushed by the French Government and political actors to promote Circular Economy and reduce waste...
Lave-linges : une durabilité qui prend l’eau

Lave-linges : une durabilité qui prend l’eau

Fuite d’eau, porte qui ne ferme plus, carte électronique HS… Une panne est vite arrivée et c’est le linge sale qui s’empile dans la panière. Mais où est donc passée la durabilité des lave-linges qui, dit-on, pouvait vivre 20, voire 30 ans ?Les lave-linges sont...